Being There in Tough Times


Hospitality fosters a mutual sense of integrity, honesty, and trust as we help our policyholders put their lives back together. We're there when they need us most."

Steve Hope
Property Complex Claims Specialist

In January 2023, the peace of the new year was cut short when a malfunctioning heat lamp set a backyard chicken coop on fire. The structure was attached to the rear of the home, which was soon engulfed in flames. The family got everyone—including 15 pets—to safety, but the fire resulted in a total loss.

Steve Hope, Property Complex Claims Specialist at Central, responded to the claim and quickly realized it would be a challenge to find temporary housing for the displaced family. Local rentals were limited, and Hope knew most landlords would resist such a large number of pets. Hope and Scott Russo, Central's Senior Property Complex Claims Manager, worked together to find a solution. Ultimately, they placed a portable trailer on the family's property. This accommodation provided a place to live while the home was rebuilt, and the pets were safely housed in an adjacent detached garage.

"This claim wasn't just about finding a place for their dogs and cats to go," says Hope. "It was an opportunity to help a family stay together and retain a sense of normalcy during a challenging time in their lives. We were willing to do whatever we could to make it work for them."

"The foundational principle of insurance is to help people get back to their pre-loss condition," adds Hope. "Hospitality fosters a mutual sense of integrity, honesty, and trust as we help our policyholders put their lives back together. We're there when they need us most."


It was an opportunity to help a family stay together and retain a sense of normalcy during a challenging time in their lives. We were willing to do whatever we could to make it work for them."

Steve Hope, Property Complex Claims Specialist